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Recomendado por 11 personas locales

Consejos de personas locales

September 9, 2018
Wangjiang Lou (Wangjiang Pavilion or the Pavilion to Watch the River), together with the Wuhou Memorial Temple (Wuhou Ci), and Dufu's Thatched Cottage are the top three attractions in Chengdu city. The Wangjiang Pavilion in the park is one of the featured historical buildings; it was built to memorize the great poetess - Xue tao (薛涛). You can go by foot around 30 minutes or take the 256 bus 06:00-21:00 for the Pubic Areas (no entrance fee) and 08:00-18:00 for the Historic Preservation Areas (RMB 20 yuan)
Wangjiang Lou (Wangjiang Pavilion or the Pavilion to Watch the River), together with the Wuhou Memorial Temple (Wuhou Ci), and Dufu's Thatched Cottage are the top three attractions in Chengdu city. The Wangjiang Pavilion in the park is one of the featured historical buildings; it was built to me…
August 14, 2018
薛涛(约768~832年),字洪度,京兆长安(今陕西西安)人。唐代女诗人,成都乐妓 [1] 。墓葬于此。 16岁入乐籍,与韦皋、元稹有过恋情,恋爱期间,薛涛自己制作桃红色小笺用来写诗,后人仿制,称“薛涛笺”。脱乐籍后,终身未嫁。成都望江楼公园有“薛涛墓” 。后人将薛涛与鱼玄机、李冶、刘采春并称唐代四大女诗人,与卓文君、花蕊夫人、黄娥并称蜀中四大才女,流传至今诗作有90余首,收于《锦江集》。
January 7, 2019
各具特色的公园,有以引种一百多种竹子、被称作“竹的公园”――望江楼;装饰、布置各式盆景的百花潭;山青水秀的人工湖――百工堰;年年举办“灯会”“花会”的文化公园;以饲养和繁殖大熊猫著名的成都动物园、以锦江绿化带为背景的滨江公园和以“人和水”为主题的活水公园。 峨眉天下秀,青城天下幽,剑门天下险,夔门天下雄,四句话道尽了成都的风光。
September 30, 2018
望江楼公园历史悠久,是明清两代为纪念唐代著名女诗人薛涛而先后在此建起来的。 薛涛字洪度,长安(今属陕西)人。随父宦居蜀中,自幼聪颖好学,才智出众。父丧后,因家贫,十五岁编入乐籍。她能诗善文,又谙练音律,得当时西川节度使韦皋的赏识,能出入官府,曾做过校书郎,时称女校书。据记载,薛涛有诗五百首,与她同时的著名诗人元稹、白居易、令狐楚、裴度、杜牧、刘禹锡、张籍等都对她十分推崇,并写诗互相唱和。可惜这些诗歌大多散失,流传至今仅存九十余首。 望江楼公园风景如画,不用到蜀南也可领略竹海风采,簇簇竹林风景如画,休闲茶园品味盖碗茶,与人民公园相比少了游人多了本土气息。
January 5, 2022

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